Monday, September 12, 2005

first test blog

Hello readers of this blog,

I literally just created my blogspot 15 minutes ago and am now getting familiar with the interface.

I will be posting content related to my blogspot's theme very soon.

Wondering how I should begin to describe this esoteric and personal topic might take me some time but I will blog much more frequently once the first hurdle has been passed.

The NuMiami Viceroys are a very complex group of "individuals" to articulate.
I guess I will need to explain the context first before I can really go straight into the details. I think I will start my Blog as a kind of FAQ where I can answer the first questions I anticipate surrounding my blog.

That is probably the most efficient way to transmit the background information and should then free me up to go for it full-throttle.

Thanks for visiting my blog spot and stay tuned for gradual postings.

Jeremy O. Turner - Messenger for the NuMiami Viceroys.


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